Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It Begins.

Yeah. I haven't had a blog since xangas were popular. But lets not get into that.

I've been wanting to get an art blog for a while and since there are nifty sites like this, I figured, may as well. So, here I am.

And since most of my friends enjoy seeing my art, I figured that a blog would allow me to show the different processes of the my painting methods. Hopefully I can get started with painting tomorrow as I'm out of supplies and I don't want to show up to class completely...hopeless.

I will let you start with:

eeevawn's artist statement:

My art is the spoken word in visual form. I paint to the beat of my paintbrush on the canvas-coated drum. I like for the viewer to listen to the words unspoken, to anticipate the conversation radiating from the canvas.

I enjoy painting portraits in an illustrative fashion with the hope that the aura of the piece will flow off of the canvas like a silk scarf to accessorize and permeate the mind of the viewer be it that they are young or old.

I choose subjects who give off a particular feeling that the viewer would possibly empathize with. In doing that, I like to share a story with my art; a story in that the reader will walk away with the intent to share, thus creating the spoken word only to begin the cycle once more.

*you steal; I sue.

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